Over a decade of structured and accelerated technology development
Unique platform with demonstration scale plastic-to-feedstock recycling technology and business model to accelerate global deployment.

Recycling Technologies founded.
Bench-scale proof-of-concept plant (the MKII) conceptualized, developed, constructed and testing started.
The MKII has continuously been upgraded over its lifetime to demonstrate different technology pathway and remains a valuable research and development asset today.
Generation 1 technology released
First Generation demonstration scale pilot plant developed, constructed, and brought into operation.
First barrel of product, Plaxx®, produced and plant relocated to Swindon Borough Council’s Household Recycling Centre.
Generation 2 technology released
Continuous technology development, operational learnings and collaboration with industry leads to release of Second Generation demonstration scale pilot plant, Beta V1.0, with significant upgrades to core process and product specifications. Operations of Beta V1.0 started.
Generation 3 technology released
Third Generation pilot plant, Beta V2, released. Beta V2.0 provides design blueprint for first commercial scale plant, the RT7000.
Commercial Scale Plant
Development of first commercial plant, the RT7000 begins.
Monomer Recycling Technology Pathway
Development of technology pathway for recycling of Polystyrene back to Styrene monomer started, with completion of first set of bench scale proof-of-concept trials.

Commercial Scale Plant
Site preparation and construction of the RT7000.
Monomer Recycling Technology Pathway
Development phase completed and EPC phase started for Polystyrene to Styrene pilot plant.
Q4 2021
Planned AIM IPO for the business.
Q1 2022
Recycling Technologies IPO aborted in the context of market volatility.
December 2022
DeepTech Recycling Ltd acquires the assets of Recycling Technologies Ltd from Administration. Backed by EMV Capital, the specialist deep tech VC, and its investor network.
Q1 2023
DeepTech Recycling Ltd consolidates all RT assets and re-launches a streamlined business focused on chemical recycling and a highly scalable technology, designed and suitable for both a centralised approach or mass production/modular deployment via a distributed approach.